Friday, August 31, 2018

Seek and You Will Find – A Universal Law of God

This posting is about one of the Universal Laws of God; a Holy promise, a Holy Commitment from the Creator to us which says that if you seek, you WILL find. Words matter. In the course of my path, I was struck with the commitment the Father made through Jesus said when he said, “Ask, and it will be given you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it will be opened.”

Sunday, August 19, 2018

How An Agnostic/Atheist Came to Accept the Existence of a Creator God

I’m sharing my experience to hopefully help not only non-believers like I was, but also those people who may be luke-warm in their attitudes to the existence of the spiritual side of life and an omnipotent deity behind it all. It is a fact that church membership is steadily declining. Many people no longer see value in mainstream religion. My hope is that perhaps I can help others to avoid making the mistake of believing that if religions don’t have answers, then there are no answers to be found.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Regardless of Circumstances, I Am Never Powerless

In the last post I talked about what was for me a major “Ah-Hah” revelation when I first became aware that there is more than one aspect of me. In fact at least three: (lower self, higher self and “decider”) and how that lower, ego-self always attempts to prevent me from making any positive changes In my life. In this post I want to talk about another mode of action of this ego self which is initiated when something bad happens.

Monday, August 6, 2018

The First Insight to the MORE that I Am, the MORE that We All Are and the Enemy of that MORE

I was quite young, single, only in my twenties. This was the early part of my journey as an agnostic/atheist. God, spirit, mysticism were all completely off my radar. But the insight I was about to learn positively affected the rest of my life, both in practical, career decisions as well as on my spiritual path.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Errors that Led to Tom the Agnostic/Atheist

All my life, from a young child onward, I had a curiosity about everything, but especially spiritual things. I always had a sense that there was more to know – that there was more to life and that if I could find it, would lead to a better life. Consequently, I asked many questions of the nuns and priests at my parochial grade school. But the answer to my questions, only led to other questions and I never felt satisfied. And of course, more than once the final answer in the series of questions and answers, was, “My child it is all a matter of faith.” Later I found what I believe are the answers I was seeking. However, there were significant delays due to errors in my thinking.