Monday, July 30, 2018

Who Do You Say You Are? The Most Important Question You Could Ever Ask Yourself

I remember myself, a young boy in a Catholic church at Mass reading the scriptures as I followed along with the priest. I remember reading the parables and and teachings of Jesus, like, “..first remove the beam from your own eye”, thinking this doesn’t apply to me – it must be for non-Catholics.  So there was nothing for me to consider in my own life, nothing for me to change, nothing for me to do. To me in that mindset, the teachings of Christ had no meaning and no value. In my mind, Jesus’ teachings just did not apply to me. 

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Letter to my (ex) Methodist Pastor, "What is My Idea of the Perfect Church"

The new pastor in one of his first services stated that he would soon request all members to provide their comments to the question, what is your idea of the perfect church. About a year went by and he never followed through, so I sent him the following unsolicited letter. And then following the letter you might want to read about a little meeting he had with me shortly after.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

My Experiences With Kinesiology Early on My Path

I heard about a spiritual teacher his name was Dr. David R. Hawkins. Dr Hawkins is a renowned psychiatrist, and author as well as spiritual teacher. Dr. Hawkins teaches that you can determine the answer to any question in the universe through kinesiology, (muscle testing). The theory that muscles are stronger in a person in a neutral state of mind in the presence of truth than in the presence of falsehood. If not familiar with kinesiology, you might want to Google it where you can actually see demonstrations performed at Dr Hawkins direction.