Thursday, July 26, 2018

My Experiences With Kinesiology Early on My Path

I heard about a spiritual teacher his name was Dr. David R. Hawkins. Dr Hawkins is a renowned psychiatrist, and author as well as spiritual teacher. Dr. Hawkins teaches that you can determine the answer to any question in the universe through kinesiology, (muscle testing). The theory that muscles are stronger in a person in a neutral state of mind in the presence of truth than in the presence of falsehood. If not familiar with kinesiology, you might want to Google it where you can actually see demonstrations performed at Dr Hawkins direction.

At one point much earlier on my path, Dr. Hawkins works were a major part of my growth path but no longer continue to be. I have read seven of his works and especially studied "Power vs Force" and "The Eye of the Eye".

When I read Power vs Force I was infatuated with Kinesiology and immediately began experimenting with a pendulum. I also read other sources on kinesiology and the use of the pendulum. I used it to monitor my level of consciousness and even to make financial decisions.

I began to really question the value of Kinesiology at least for my personal path, when I performed several experiments using known information. For example, I attempted to discern the birth dates of famous people, which I could later look up. Even though I invoked protection, etc…the results were zero accuracy.

As a result of just a gut level instinctive distrust, and the failed experiments, I discontinued use of Kinesiology about 8 or nine years ago.

Then when I attended a spiritual retreat, the subject came up again since muscle testing seemed to be an integral component of the teacher's path. I expressed my doubt during the discussions and at the time the explanation that was offered seemed plausible. However, after reflection, those explanations seemed to fall apart, especially in the light of the books and dictations I found given through Kim Michaels which focus on establishing attunement with our Christ selves and ascended beings in the etheric/heavenly realm.

It seems like a major challenge of the path that we all must walk is overcoming the duality consciousness and growing in attunement with the Masters. It seems like the goal is to become self-reliant – reliant on the higher self and not on any outside source – to come to the point where "I know that I know". If that is true then, relying on muscle testing seems to be a "crutch", a shortcut, an attempt to "take heaven by force", rather than gradually develop inner discernment and attunement.

The process itself when I thought about it would actually  seem to keep me stuck in whatever dualistic state of consciousness I am currently in since my "Yes"/"No" answers are all in response and are only as good as my questions which are dependent on my current state of consciousness which back then was very dualistic.

I do believe that Dr. Hawkins is a person of very, very high consciousness and some of his ideas are very helpful and enlightening. But where I have a problem is when he uses kinesiology to divine truth instead of the Spirit of Truth which Jesus taught. 

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